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When we know who we truly are, created in God’s image, we can then best bring about the Community of Christ, by being the person God calls us to be. This workshop uses a model suggested by, Robert Wick’s, in his book ‘Streams of Contentment’, that helps us to...
One of the big headaches in ministry is finding new leaders. Once the coordinator finally resigns from your music ministry, youth team, or sacramental coordination, who continues on? How do we pass the baton on in parish pastoral councils and finance committees?...
This workshop will focus on the processes that engage, build capacity and retain volunteers in the Parish. Effective and attractive, these processes of inviting, training, forming and supporting individuals will be explored through the lens of the volunteer...
The workshop considers some aspects of being a parish community from the perspectives of outsiders ‘looking in’, and insiders ‘living out’. It highlights ways we are overtly connected to the Gospel, and through the Gospel to one another. The workshop aims to be...
In this workshop Brendan will share his experiences of trying to build a link between a local parish and local secondary school. Brendan will be able to share insights on what works and what doesn’t and why it is important to try something rather than nothing. It is...